Planning to Let Go: Take the Leap and Let Go

A revolutionary plan - let go. In navigating the unpredictability of life, we must learn to let go and adapt.

Image by @hannahvoxland

Image by @hannahvoxland


Plans gives us a sense of direction and clarity in which we can find comfort in the fact we have some control over our lives. They enable us to progress from one place to the next and they help us to achieve our goals. Where do you see yourself in five years time? What is your next career move? What outfit are you wearing tonight? Plans give us instructions on how to tackle the mammoth-sized problems of life by providing us with pillars of stability and anchors of certainty in the midst of the uncertainty of life. 

It is said that failing to plan is planning to fail, however, the truthfulness of this is questionable. All too often seemingly solid plans fail. Our schemes are at the mercy of external factors and by default so is the success that we strive for. Goals and aspirations hang in a delicate balance between success and failure and the pressure placed on the success of our plans can be crushing when things do not materialise. Failed plans push our desires further out of reach and leave us with additional emotional and practical hurdles to overcome. It is easy to forget that our plans are a cocktail of our aspirations, dreams and theories on how best to achieve our goals. 

When life does not stick to the script, the sense of security that we find in planning can instantaneously transform into an overwhelming sense of confusion and fear. How do you move forward? What is the next step? In the end, the stress of having to change your plan can outweigh the stress of achieving your final goal. It is time to learn to let go. Relying so heavily on plans results in rigidity and inflexibility, which in turn renders us ineffective when responding to unexpected changes. Letting go gives us the space to react when faced with challenges. It means acknowledging from the outset that success is not guaranteed, whilst understanding that adaptability is key in working to achieve our goals. 

Letting go, however, is much easier said than done. In the Bible, we can find inspiration and reassurance that we will be alright without a plan in the book of Matthew (chapter 6 verses 25 to 26). Here we are reassured not to worry about the minutiae of life because just as God takes care of birds, He will also care for us. No matter where we are in life God is by our side guiding us. Learning to let go of a plan is part of trusting ourselves to adapt to situations and part trusting God to be in control of our situations. We gain a boldness when faced with challenges and a confidence that cannot be taken away. There is comfort to be found in the fact that by letting go of our plans we can find security in God. Letting go of our plans is planning how to react to the nature of plans. 

Words by

Tamilore Ogunyemi


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