Yvonne Bajela: How to utilise your gifts to find your calling

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We have all faced and will face points where we have to navigate the space between our past step and our next step. In these moments, how do we put aside the frustration felt in wanting to know where to go and instead focus on utilising our passions to pursue our calling?

In this episode, we spoke to Yvonne Bajela, who began her career as an analyst at Goldman Sachs. After merging her talents and interests she’s now pursuing her calling as a founding member and investor in early-stage companies at Impact X Capital and has been featured on the Forbes 30 under 30 list.

Yvonne spoke about how overcoming challenges have become the very things that have brought her success, the bold moves she’s had to take to end up where she is and how she has found fulfillment in walking in her calling.

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