5 things you'll learn from Issue 5


1. It’s ok to make mistakes

No matter what sphere of work you’re in, this is something we all need a reminder about sometimes. This issue features interviews from rapper Nick Brewer to CEO of Seek Wisdom Find Wealth, Patrice Washington, who all speak on the setbacks they’ve faced. Not only this, but how it was the lessons they learnt from facing obstacles, that they have been able to improve themselves and their careers. Getting back up after being kicked down can take a lot of guts, but we know this issue will show you just what you can achieve when you do find that courage. 

2. Your faith has power

This issue will be a testament to show what can happen when faith is brought outside the four walls of churches and into our local communities.  The article ‘Faith In Action’ showcases what faith truly looks like when it’s based on the actions of Jesus and what it looks like when it benefits our communities. Part of the purpose in having a faith is to use it to transform the people around us. So, no matter where you are in your journey of faith- at the beginning or perhaps even questioning faith that is existing- we hope this issue shows you that no action of kindness or love is wasted.  

Part of the purpose in having a faith is to use it to transform the people around us

3. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be

Feeling under-qualified for the position we’re in can sometimes get the better of us, which can result in us questioning our own abilities. With interviews from professionals in industries from politics to the such as NBA presenter Kristen Ledlow and Gabriella Bossman, a civil servant in the Cabinet Office, the theme of imposter syndrome appears to be prevalent even amongst those at the top of their game. One lesson to take away from Issue 5, is to never under-value yourself or talk yourself out of the room you’ve earned the right to be in.

4. Change is happening

When reading the news or being heavily involved in trying to kick-start change, it can be hard to take a step back and see just how much the world around us is being positively reshaped. In this Issue, we ask question how beauty norms are changing  and how this impacts the world around them. As well as this, we look into the history of the battle of the sexes, and question how men and women can work well together in today’s world. We hope showing the change that is going on will give you inspiration to be a part of making that growth happen.

...never under-value yourself or talk yourself out of the room you’ve earned the right to be in.

5. Rest is important

As working women who want to produce the highest standard of work constantly, resting and taking time off is at the bottom of the to do list. But making sure that we do so in the short run will ensure we don’t burn out in the long run. In this Issue, we interview Brent Clark, counsellor of more than 20 years, to answer questions about mental health and the importance of  keeping our mental health in check, because when our mental health suffers, so does our work. 

Words by

Ellie Dalton


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