Freeing Thoughts - An Interview With Life Coach & Psychologist Morayo

When Psychologist and Life Coach, Morayo experienced debilitating depression in her early 20s, she never imagined it would lead to a career in studying the minds of others. Now assisting clients to reach their full life potential, Morayo shares the importance of incorporating rest and what steps can be taken in order to achieve true mental freedom. 


When did you first discover the importance of mental health and the significance it can have on your overall wellbeing?

I first discovered the importance of mental health in my early 20s when I went through a season of depression. I experienced all kinds of physical symptoms such as exhaustion and anxiety. It was the first time I truly understood how the body and brain worked as well as the importance of wellbeing.

What steps did you take to overcome your battle with depression?

I felt I couldn’t manage my depression on my own and sought out professional help. During that period, I worked on my thinking and perspective of the world which was causing a lot of stress for me. Once I got help with that, I saw an improvement in how I physically felt. It highlighted for me how closely intertwined our thoughts are with our physical state. If you are anxious or frightened that produces adrenaline, a physical symptom. I found that when I addressed my thoughts, I felt so much better physically.

Our emotions can hold a strong indication into the quality of our thinking.

As a Psychologist, what strategies would you recommend to busy working women who are seeking better mindfulness?

I think one of the most powerful things we can do is pay attention to our emotions to see what they are telling us. We can’t always trust our wavering thoughts but our emotions can, however, hold an indication into the quality of our thinking. If our thinking is problematical, it will show in the way we feel emotionally. So that’s always the gauge that I use and what  I monitor closely. If I feel reactive to a certain situation, I will ask myself, why is this causing such a strong reaction in me? That usually leads me to understanding. In the times I have felt angry, it’s usually caused by a violation I have felt internally. I believe questioning our emotions is just one of the ways we can guard ourselves mentally.

Why do you think as women we feel we have to show others that we have to have it all together?

I think it’s something that we have been socialised to do. We are often influenced by external messages that tell us how we should ‘show up’ in the world. It’s very effective and so we buy into it. But I wondered if we would feel that way if we didn’t have some of the social pressures, images and ideals that we are fed by others?

How important is taking time to rest in maintaining your mental health?

I think it’s key especially in today’s society. We live in a fast-paced society. There’s so much pressure to be on-the-go all the time. We receive strong media messaging that glorifies being busy all the time. It celebrates how exhausted we are and in our conversations generally, it’s not uncommon for us to brag about how much we got going. But in reality, it’s an unhealthy thing to aspire to. I think that what sets up for burnout. Often, when you take the time to stop and rest, we’re so technologically connected that we can’t switch off. Resting has now become a bit of a discipline because If you just go with the flow, you’ll likely find there is no time for rest.

Taking time out of my day is very important to me. Just like planning my work day, I plan my rest.

Why do you think some people are hesitant towards pursuing life coaching or some of the misconceptions around the subject?

Because it’s a fairly new industry, I think some of the misconceptions are based on legitimacy. People may think of life coaching and associate it with motivational speaking but it’s so much more than that. Nowadays there are a lot more regulations in place. Someone who pursues life coaching will have goals in life that they need help achieving. A life coach will help you understand your internal motivations by helping you connect them with your external goals, in turn, motivating you to show up in life as the person you want to be.

How has your faith helped you to remain positive in your work on a daily basis?

For me personally, my faith is how I centre myself. My journey has become a bit of a journey of faith. Before I see a client, I will pray for that client and the session by asking God to allow us to make the most of our time together. I find when I go into work like that, it allows me to see how things I wouldn’t necessarily have seen that are beyond my skills and expertise. It’s rather fascinating and I think that’s the God factor in my work. My career as a Psychologist and Life Coach is something I do in partnership with God. So many principles and ideas on which my coaching are based upon are confirmations of core principles seen in the Bible. I find it fascinating when human research confirms Biblical ideas. For me, it’s strengthened my faith foundation and journey.

Follow Morayo on Instagram @Coachwithmorayo 

Words by

Rochelle King


Yasmin Rona


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