5 ways to turn your vision into reality

If turning a vision into a reality was simple, there would be more people to tell the story. Actualising dreams requires courage and risk.

Image by: Solace London

Image by: Solace London

Vision can be an overwhelming word. It presents us with something we can perceive with our mind’s eye but not yet in real time. It can be easy to have a clear vision, but more complex to work it out in day-to-day life where so many distractions vie for our attention. How can we actualise our vision with consistency and passion? Here are five ways:  

Have a clear purpose

Our motivation is what drives us in whichever trajectory we choose. Being sold on our purpose enables us to persist through every season. Without being intertwined with clear purpose for every decision and plan, our energy wilts and our strength becomes lacklustre. Our individual purpose is what gives way to our vision at the outset.

Knowing who we are and why we are in pursuit of a dream keeps us on track, and answers questions for us in what we will and will not say yes to. Presented with many good opportunities, our purpose helps us to dictate with conviction what adds to our vision, and what ultimately creates drift away from it. 

‘Being sold on our purpose enables us to persist through every season.’

Engage with people who are for you

Our relationships are vital to our flourishing. We can sometimes naively believe that our present friendships will always be for us, and the journey we are embarking on, but that is sadly not a given. Jealousy, a lack of understanding, or a difference in direction can all be reasons why friends do not all respond in a way we might expect. 

Rather than blind agreement with your plans, or empty lip service, seek people who see and believe in your potential, and who both celebrate and challenge you. Navigating turning a vision into reality requires relationships that are future-orientated, not just at ease with how things have historically been.

Prioritise personal growth

Even in the age of information where our access to a wealth of resources is instant, personal growth can be grossly neglected. It can be easy to believe that it is enough to have read some significant books, or follow a seasoned leader in your sphere, but growth is much more than that. 

To truly prioritise growth as individuals, we have to position ourselves in multiple environments where our current norm is elevated; whether that is being bold enough to live authentically, or to instigate new disciplines which will serve our future well. 

Work hard

You do not usually need to tell someone with vision to work hard. That said, we can fall prey to an illusion that when our strengths and timing align, the rest will be smooth sailing. Although there is a certain ease to our journey when we find our direction, we will experience difficult situations where we require grit. 

Working hard is working smarter, not necessarily more. Learning when we best focus for creative projects, carving out time which is dedicated to important tasks, and choosing to show up and do our best daily are all ways we can level up. 

‘We will experience difficult situations where we require grit.’

Value your health

Self-care cannot be reduced to an upgraded skincare routine or uninterrupted bath. Our health is holistic and although involves our body, our mind and soul. Since we work towards our vision in the long term, we have to be astute enough to invest in our health, and steward our time well. It is folly to subscribe to views that suggest we can proceed with clarity and focus without valuing our health, or that we can advance on minimal sleep.

When working towards our goals, we will experience disappointment and rejection, which can easily derail us if we waiver from our original purpose. Our health positions us to respond clearly and effectively to the demands of turning a vision to reality. In the mounting pressure of an impatient society, we can be quick to neglect that which we should be holding fast to. Valuing health is not just a popular thought, but an essential foundation.  


Rachel Calland