Navigating faith, doubt and reality in the age of a pandemic

Faith and doubt are not often spoken together, but our current reality can cause more than a few questions. Embracing our beliefs during unprecedented times is a challenge. But being honest about our feelings leads us to see that there is a hope greater than our unbelief.


Globally, we recognise we are in a state of unrest. Questions abound as we battle the reality of multiple crises. But it is precisely in these moments that our faith comes alive. Here, we find understanding, compassion, and comfort on the path set before us.  


Know We are Seen and Heard 

During the past few months, even the most steadfast among us may have doubted if we can handle everything that we are walking through. Our faith may feel distant or intangible in comparison to the urgency of the global pandemic. We may try to compensate for our doubt by not naming our feelings, or find ourselves crushed by the weight of our emotions, but we do not have to carry a burden alone. In His humanity, Jesus recognizes our very real experience of grief, pain, doubt, and uncertainty. The Bible shares with us that Jesus is a man who wept with his friends as they mourned the loss of their brother and, on another occasion, returned to visit a close friend who needed a tangible answer to his questions of doubt. Questioning is often seen as a lack of trust, but when poured out from a genuine heart in prayer, it is an invitation for intimacy with a faithful, compassionate Father. 

‘God longs to be known by us in a personal way, as a friend.’

 Seek Community 

Experiencing doubt and voicing our questions leaves us empty enough to seek and hear answers or be built up by encouragement for our toughest moments. This is at the heart of community; when we express what we are feeling to those we trust we understand that we are not walking this journey alone. It is an exhale, a needed sigh of relief helping us to see that we do not have to figure everything out ourselves. Sharing our struggles should, in turn, lead us to hear and serve those we are in community with. It is a similar experience with God. A relationship with Him means that we can come before Him with whatever we hold on our minds and hearts. Entrusting Him with those burdens allows us to be empty enough - to be still - to hear what He wants to share with us in return. 

‘Engaging our faith during difficult times means looking towards Him.’

Receive Peace

Our human instinct in chaos can lead us to be anxious about what we cannot control. But the peace that Jesus promises is one that is not of this world. Engaging our faith during difficult times means looking towards Him more than we look at what is around us. That does not mean we ignore the world around us or the decisions we have to make, but we have the resources to not be overwhelmed. As best we can, we must hold on to hope. Throughout the bible, we are shown that there is a true, perfect peace that comes from a divine source. Jesus tells us that the peace He gives can only come from Him and that it will carry us through our daily lives. His peace helps to clear the fog of uncertainty and remind us that though the chaos exists, He is ultimately in control. Faith offers the abundant gift of a new perspective. Through a relationship with God, we can find lasting strength, courage, and wisdom here that will guide us in the way forward. 


God longs to be known by us in a personal way, as a friend. This feels natural in times when we are overcome with joy, but it takes honesty and willingness to lay our despair before Him with the same intention. Through time with Him, we also look beyond our situation to where we can serve others. We are inspired to meet the needs of our community with what we have to offer. Maybe that is a tangible need like supplying groceries to a neighbour or simply a listening ear to a close friend struggling with lockdown. As we wade through our thoughts of faith, our propensity for questioning, and the real circumstances of this pandemic, may it spur us towards a spiritual centre that is not shaken.


Britnie Dates



Edition 6