Bradford & Bryan Manning: How to use your brand story to engage an audience

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What’s the story behind your brand? And do you use your brand’s story to build engagement with your community? We all have a story to tell, and they hold the power to set us apart from other businesses. So, how can we use storytelling to speak with our audience and build trust?

In this episode, we spoke to brothers Brad and Bryan Manning who at a young age, were both diagnosed with an eye disease that causes blindness over time. Using their story, they have co-founded the clothing brand Two Blind Brothers. Their brand has been built on a central mission: to impact those who are blind and raise money towards a cure for blindness.

They share their coincidental story of how their brand was born, how our challenges yield our strengths and how storytelling has been key to build and create a community and in turn create a successful brand.

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Season 1MagnifyEpisode 26