Abigail Irozuru: How to develop mental discipline

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We all have big ideas which we want to execute to our best ability. In order to do this, there are days that will feel the same day-in-day-out and on those days motivation can feel hard to come by. The thing that sees us through these periods is mental discipline. So, how can we develop our own mental discipline to carry us through when motivation can’t?

To find out how, we had a chat with Abigail Irozuru, an English track and field athlete who specialises in long jump. After retiring due to an injury and then coming back to the sport, as well as not being picked for the home Olympic games after working and training hard, Abigail shares how mental discipline has been important in her own career and how she cultivates it. 

Not only did Abigail give some great advice on the topic all of us can struggle with, but we were also so inspired by how real and vulnerable she got. It’s a great conversation, so let’s listen in.

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