Posts in Season 2
Heather Torres: The power of being vulnerable at work

Do you ever feel timid in sharing more of yourself at work? In a job where our personality and experiences merge together, how do we navigate a passion to educate through our own stories whilst also honouring what we went through and keeping our privacy? Not only is it a question of how much we share with our audience or customers, but also how open should we be with colleagues and how do we handle disagreements?

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Arianna Davis: How to overcome imposter syndrome

Are there moments in work where you’ve experienced doubt about your abilities? Have you ever questioned your achievements or wondered if you measure up? Imposter syndrome often keeps us from experiencing the fullness of our success and can stop us from going after what we are passionate about. But what are some of the ways that we can overcome the doubt that arises within ourselves?

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Season 2MagnifyEpisode 7
Chibundu Onuzo: How to enjoy working at your own pace

Are you left feeling deflated and unmotivated when you compare your position in your work journey to someone else's'? Do you ever ask ‘why them and not me’? Does it leave you feeling like you’re too far behind or wondering why, if you started at the same time, you aren’t in the same place as them? When we get caught up in the pace of someone else’s success, we disregard our own success which can take the joy out of what we’re doing.

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Season 2MagnifyEpisode 3
Jordan Raynor: How to work in freedom, not fear

Do you ever feel like you could have done something better or that you took the wrong path in work? When something goes wrong in your career do you think it’s a reflection of your personal abilities? When we work in fear of doing the wrong thing or going wrong it can prevent us from taking the big swings which help us achieve our goals.

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Season 2MagnifyEpisode 2
Abigail Irozuru: How to develop mental discipline

We all have big ideas which we want to execute to our best ability. In order to do this, there are days that will feel the same day-in-day-out and on those days motivation can feel hard to come by. The thing that sees us through these periods is mental discipline. So, how can we develop our own mental discipline to carry us through when motivation can’t?

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Season 2MagnifyEpisode 1