Liz Forkin Bohannon: Why perfectionism is holding us back

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Do you beat yourself up when something doesn’t go right? If something isn’t 100% perfect, do you think it’s not good enough? Does your fear of something not being perfect stop you from saying yes to opportunities? When holding onto perfectionism we hold ourselves to impossible standards, so how do we work against it?

Liz Forkin Bohannon is joining us today to share some of her tips. Founder of Sseko Designs, she spent some time with Seth Godin early on who encouraged her to not focus on the perfection of a design but to focus more on how it can grow. Her own podcast ‘plucking up’ is on a mission to show that nobody is immune to messing up and self-doubt.

In today’s episode, she bares her true self and honestly chats about her own struggle with perfectionism, how as a leader she encourages room for imperfection amongst her employees and how, when we show up as we are no imperfections and all, we allow permission for others to do the same.

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