Posts tagged Episode 3

On this week’s episode, author, speaker and activist, Ben Lindsay talks about the tension between race and faith. He released his first book ‘We Need To Talk About Race’ in 2019 which looks into understanding the black experience in white-majority churches. This episode follows an honest and insightful conversation with him about his experiences and progress that can be made within churches.

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Chibundu Onuzo: How to enjoy working at your own pace

Are you left feeling deflated and unmotivated when you compare your position in your work journey to someone else's'? Do you ever ask ‘why them and not me’? Does it leave you feeling like you’re too far behind or wondering why, if you started at the same time, you aren’t in the same place as them? When we get caught up in the pace of someone else’s success, we disregard our own success which can take the joy out of what we’re doing.

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Season 2MagnifyEpisode 3