Chibundu Onuzo: How to enjoy working at your own pace

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Are you left feeling deflated and unmotivated when you compare your position in your work journey to someone else's'? Do you ever ask ‘why them and not me’? Does it leave you feeling like you’re too far behind or wondering why, if you started at the same time, you aren’t in the same place as them? When we get caught up in the pace of someone else’s success, we disregard our own success which can take the joy out of what we’re doing.

Today’s guest, Chibundu Onuzo, award-winning author of two novels ‘The Spider King's Daughter’ and ‘Welcome to Lagos’ became successful at a young age and has grown to understand that everyone works differently and therefore progress looks different for everyone.

In this episode, Chibundu spoke about how we have a choice in how much we enjoy the process to get to the destination we are striving for in work, she also got real about asking where the expectations we put on ourselves come from and why it’s so important to break down big goals into small steps.

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