Chris Gaul: How to understand and pursue your purpose

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Sometimes our own plans and callings veer away from what is perceived to be the right path by those around us. So how do we truly understand what the right career decisions are for us, and how do we step out to follow our own purpose?

In this episode, we spoke to Chris Gaul, who after moving to London started his career at the UN in a role which carried a lot of social capital where because of the profile of the organisation, he was perceived as dynamic and accomplished by those around him. But, after no longer being able to ignore the pull he felt towards working in the church, he quit his job to become a trainee pastor at a church in South London.

On this week’s podcast, Chris shares his journey from working at the UN to giving in to his instincts and pursuing his purpose and how important it is to understand our identity away from our jobs and possessions.

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Season 1MagnifyEpisode 18