Rejection can be redirection

Rejection can hurt but is also an unavoidable part of life. Although at first, we may find ourselves disheartened from experiencing being turned away from something we think is right for us, it is these roadblocks that redirects us down the road that results in something better.

Photographer: Christopher Puttins. Style: Mareen Aland. Hair & Make-up: Anne Marie. Model: Tasha Malek.

Photographer: Christopher Puttins. Style: Mareen Aland. Hair & Make-up: Anne Marie. Model: Tasha Malek.

Re-thinking Rejection

Have you ever looked back on something that didn’t work out and realised you’re so glad that thing you thought you wanted didn’t go your way? This is a perfect example of rejection being redirection.

There may also be times that we see being told no as a stop sign, and as something that’s signalling us to give up on going after what we desire. Our inner-critic may even tell us that we’re simply not good enough or that we just don’t have what it takes. But we should make the effort to look at setbacks not as denial or failure, and instead see it as a chance for us to re-route our course and think about what is right for us. 

Rejection is not something that we should let define us. Instead, we should define ourselves through the decisions we make to adapt and keep going, and the actions we take to move forward. 

‘Setbacks allow us to evolve in ways that we wouldn't have otherwise.’

The plan that endures

We might think that we know the best thing for us, but ultimately it is God that knows what is right for us. When our plans don’t go accordingly, God’s plan for us remains concrete, and it is in His plan that our purpose is truly fulfilled. Not knowing what this plan is can be frightening, but it’s ok. We don't need to see the whole path to know what our next step looks like, we are able to find peace in knowing that even though we can’t see ahead God can.

While He has never promised that we will not face hardships, He has promised that in these hardships He will be our pillar of peace and our strength to carry on. God does not expect us to be fearless all the time, but to lead knowing that His plans for us are greater than any setbacks or trials. With this knowledge, we are able to lead with courage even when it seems nothing is going to our own plan.

‘When our plans don’t go accordingly, God’s plan for us remains concrete.’

Nothing lost

It’s easy to see what has been lost in the face of adversity, but instead ask yourself: what have I gained?

Experiencing rejection is a sign in itself that we have taken a risk and taken a step outside of our comfort zones which is a testament to ourselves, and no risk taken is ever wasted. Setbacks allow us to evolve in ways that we wouldn't have otherwise. It is these qualities gained from being rejected that will equip us and allow us to succeed in the future. It takes time and endurance to get to where we’re meant to be, trust God and know that even when we lose, there is always a gain. 


Ellie Dalton

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