Stick to Your Vision With Lauren Scruggs Kennedy

Recently, Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, the founder  The Stranded Shop and the LaurenScruggsKennedy Foundation, spoke to us on our Female Founders Instagram Live. She shared her journey as an entrepreneur and what suffering an accident where she attained serious injuries taught her. Keep reading to see some highlights from the discussion. 


Stick to the Vision

As our businesses grow and priorities may change, we can easily start to make decisions that drift away from our brand's vision. We need to be constantly reminding ourselves of the vision and the reasons why we started our businesses. In addition to this we need to be recognising in ourselves when we may be focusing more on what others are doing around us more than the purpose of our own business. We should be staying true to who we are as people and to what our business was created to be. 

‘Stay focused on your vision.’


It is important it recognise that people do care about us as founders and want to know how our brand’s ethos and mission fits into our own lives. Therefore we do have a responsibility to be a resource and to highlight and show what we believe in. As this will bring alignment to our business as our passions and the reason for creating it will come through. It is by showing ourselves that we may be able to see what there is a need for and see responses as to what our consumers want.  

Ambitions with Boundaries

As founders it can be easy to place all our energy and time onto our work and what we have accomplished. However it is actually by placing boundaries, that we will find the most satisfaction in what we have done and where we are spending our time. It's key to know when to shut off and recognise its going to be okay if we don’t respond to that text or email right away. One practical way to set boundaries is to set time blocks, for when you are going to complete certain tasks and to only spend this time on those tasks.

‘Tomorrow is going to come.’

Patience in the Process

When we are creating new products and ideas, we need to remember that this process may take a lot longer than we expect and that it is okay. This is when our team around us is crucial, as it is during these delays and disappointments that we need to lean on each other. It is by recognising what everyone is bringing to the team and the beauty in how those differences make us greater. If we are able to embrace that there will be overwhelming times and that it isn't always going to be a smooth road, then we will have the strength and patience to see the end product and enjoy the rewards it brings. 

Check out the full video on our instagram page 


Priya Raheja 


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