Letting God guide us is the best form of strategy

Unwelcomed circumstances present themselves on numerous occasions throughout our lives. Wouldn’t it be great if we could know exactly the struggles that lay ahead so we could strategise accordingly? Although we don’t have the power to do this, God does.

Photographer: Andreas OrtnerStyling: Britta McCayHair & Makeup: Sabine HeberleModel: Sandra Martens

Photographer: Andreas Ortner

Styling: Britta McCay

Hair & Makeup: Sabine Heberle

Model: Sandra Martens

The greatest strategist is on your side

As people with passion and drive, it can often be the case that we have mapped out our lives and attempted to shape every part of our life journeys. However, no matter how much effort we put into planning or building our lives - we cannot know what lies ahead. We do not encompass the same knowledge that God does. 

We can only know and see the world from what we have experienced and we can naturally let human errors such as ego lead us. God on the other hand sees it all and knows it is right for us. It is this which makes God the best strategist we can find.  

As it is written in Jeremiah: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ God’s plans for us are ones of goodness and excitement, He knows exactly where we’re meant to go and what we need to get there. Where we are placed is the right position for where we need to go.

‘We do not encompass the same knowledge that God does.’

How we can help ourselves

Whilst allowing God to guide us remains the best form of strategy, this does not mean that we can sit back and relax. While God handlest the overall strategy, we need to handle the tactics to get there. The tactics that we can develop enable God’s strategy to play out overtime.

One of the tactics we can implement is learning. Education doesn’t stop when we leave school or university, there will be skills and knowledge that we always need to improve and take on in order to fulfil our strategy. By constantly learning and educating ourselves in the field we’re in and beyond, we give ourselves the best head start to be equipped for whatever may come our way.

Prayer is one of the most simple tactics available to us anytime and anywhere. When we talk to God and unload our worries we are able to stay focused on what needs to be done. It is in times of prayer that we may also find answers to problems we are facing.

Our tactics will change constantly as it will not be a smooth journey to get to where we should be. Trust in God that each setback or tribulation is not Him saying no is one of the best tactics we can have.

‘There has never been a promise of life without hardships, but there has been a promise to never have to face it alone.’

Stop to listen

Sometimes knowing what God’s strategy is for us in life can get lost in the noise of the world and comparing ourselves to those around us. We can find ourselves being led by numbers and statistics rather than what is truly meant for us. When life becomes muffled, stop to listen to God. It is when life feels at its loudest that it’s most important to listen. It is in this moment of intention to hear them, that His words can lead us as they become loud again to follow and grow a life full of peace and abundance. 

With the best strategist out there on our side, we can find peace in trusting Him to guide us to where we need to go.


Ellie Dalton