Building Habits to Balance the Busyness of Life

In a world that is becoming increasingly busy, our schedules can sometimes feel unmanageable. How do we work towards building habits that will help bring balance to the busyness of life?


Ask God to Help You Set Priorities 

When we have a long to-do list staring back at us, our emails flooding in through our inbox and our social media notifications alerting us every few moments, it can be challenging to have a clear view of our priorities. We need to remember that we can ask God to help us, whether it is day-to-day tasks or larger projects that we are working towards. We can trust that He will lead us down the path that is the right one, one where He will be most glorified. We will be comforted when we remind ourselves that God is in control of all we do. 

 ‘He will make straight your paths.’ Proverbs 3:6 

Focus on the High-Impact Tasks First 

It is likely that we are all guilty of procrastinating and putting off those big, stressful tasks that linger over our heads. However, to find balance, try and tackle those tasks first. Even if it is just writing out an agenda of things that need to be done in order to work towards completing this task. This way, when you get to the smaller, easier tasks you will not feel a looming feeling of the major tasks still to come. Let us save ourselves the stress later and tackle the big tasks first.

‘Let us save ourselves the stress later and tackle the big tasks first.’

Remember That Your Worth is Not Equal to the Work You Do 

So often we can feel like our success is what gives us our worth. When we are constantly witnessing what other people are up to, it is easy to start comparing what we are doing with them. We start asking questions: ‘Is my work good enough?’ ‘Is what I am doing benefiting anyone?’ and we can be left feeling that we do not match up to our peers. We must remember our worth, first and foremost, comes from God and our identity as a child of the King. When we remember this, we can stop associating worth and work but we will also be able to rejoice with others who are successful without thinking we have not done enough. This is a freeing reminder.

‘God was demonstrating a way of life that we should be eager to mirror.’

Always Ask For Help 

We are not meant to suffer in silence. God made us to be a community and when the work starts becoming too much, it is good to ask for help. We will grow in our kindness when we see others live by Jesus’ example and serve us. We will then be more responsive when people ask us for help. 

Remember That Rest is Also Productive 

Once God created the universe, He sat back, rested and reflected. He admired all that He had done. If we do not allow ourselves to rest, we will eventually burn out. God was demonstrating a way of life that we should be eager to mirror. His time of reflection meant He could see all the blessings He had brought about. If we allow ourselves the same time to reflect, we will see all that God has done for us and be inspired to continue on prayerfully. 


Daisy Addington



Edition 6