Is Easter Relevant Today?

Is the celebration of Easter simply days off work, chocolate hunts and a big lunch? Or does it have the genuine potential to impact our lives in a meaningful way?



For many, Easter is like any other day of the year; a long weekend off from work and a chance to relax with family and friends.

A brief thought into the meaning behind the day might lead to a conclusion of nothing more than an outdated celebration with no real significance in the world today.

For those with an existing faith or exploring faith, you might even be looking at a situation in your own life or life around you and doubt God’s power, maybe even questioning the possibility of His presence given current circumstances.

On the surface, we might see the story of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection as a mythological story far removed from our day-to-day lives. Even if we believe it did happen, a question remains- what difference does it make to us now?


The world leaves no shortage of grief. With wars waging in Europe and the Middle East, the COVID pandemic and a worsening climate crisis, we might be finding it hard to see how we can have hope for a better future.

In these feelings of hopelessness, the lens of Easter can offer a refreshing and uplifting outlook.

The story of Easter itself was birthed out of sorrow. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, His followers and disciples were left grieving with many questions. Questions which they didn’t have answers for.

‘Jesus went on to say, “In a little while you will see me no more”…At this, some of his disciples said to one another…. “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand what he is saying.”’ John 16:16-18, NIV.

In a short time, their lives were turned upside down. They found themselves without the person whose life they had been living their own for.  

In our own lives, that feeling of chaos entering our world is one we can all relate to. Like the disciples, we will all have found ourselves in a place with uncertainty and unanswered questions.

Three days later, when Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples saw that their anguish had not been for nothing. 

A season resulting from grief ended in a season defined by joy and triumph.


Easter is a reminder of the hope that we can dare to have because Jesus defeated death.

It reminds us that whilst there is no promise that we will not suffer hardships, there is a promise that there is a season for everything and every feeling. 

‘Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.’ John 16:22, NIV.

Perhaps at this time, you are in the midst of a challenging time personally, or maybe you are finding it difficult given global factors. 

Through Jesus’ time on earth, we are reminded that He went through tangible problems and human emotions, and so, God truly understands what we’re facing in our lives. The cross symbolises restoration and hope that goes further than just in our lives on earth, but in life after death too. 

As the disciples experienced in the three days following Jesus’ death, we might not always see how God is working in our lives, but because of His resurrection, we can be sure that God is at work and He lives and works for us, not against us.

This weekend and onwards, let the story of Easter help bring you hope amid your hard days. 


Ellie Dalton


