Achieving Financial Independence with Bola Sokunbi

In our last Talk Tuesday, we were joined by Bola Sokunbi, founder of Clever Girl Finance, one of the largest personal financial platforms for women in America. She spoke to us about her journey to this and tools we can use to help us achieve our own financial independence.


Money is a tool 

For many of us money and financial independence can seem like a burden and a strain but we need to recognise that money should just be a tool for us to get to our goals. Therefore to achieve financial independence, we should be looking to leverage the money we have as a way to make accomplishments. Once we start to understand and educate ourselves on ways to become financially independent, our finances should start to become an aid and not a burden. 

‘Stay focused on your goals.’

An Amplifier 

We have all probably heard the saying that ‘money won’t buy you happiness’ which is true but it will amplify all the things you care about and who you are. Therefore as an amplifier it can also have a great impact on increasing the support and knowledge of platforms and issues we find important to the world. When we use our money and our voice the impact of a platform can be widespread.

Accountability Partners

When looking for someone who can help keep us accountable, we should be looking for someone who has had experience going through what we are going through and who can support us and hold us accountable. If we don’t have people who fill out these requirements in our current circle, then we may need to broaden our networking to social media and look out and ask those who we do admire to help us out. We don’t even need to be in direct contact with somebody who inspires us financially as if we educate ourselves on how this individual has achieved what they have, and then implement a plan in our own lives to achieve this. That can be just as instrumental in our financial journey as having a mentor we are in constant communication with. 

‘How can you help yourself be accountable?’

Overcoming barriers

There are a few barriers that can stop us from achieving financial independence. These can include our mindset, are we actually setting the intention to become independent? Another barrier may be our education and lack of knowledge, therefore researching tools and things to put in place can be crucial as well as constantly informing ourselves of our plans and putting into practice can help overcome these barriers. Thus highlighting the importance of being self disciplined to constantly take actions that follow our plans and help us achieve financial independence. 


Priya Raheja


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